Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for proposed projects will be prepared by certified QSD and PE certified if needed to meet the requirements of California Construction General Permit (SWRCB Orders No. 2009-0009-DWQ amended by Order 2010-0014-DWQ).

Comprehensive, detailed training in the implementation and executive of SWPPP for developers, contractors and municipalities. Short-term sessions, large corporate sessions and on-going training.

Preparing Permit Document:
Preparation and submittal of permit documents including Notice of Intent (NOI), Annual Report, Notice and Notice of Termination (NOT) using SMARTS

Pre/During/Post Rain Event Inspections to evaluate the effectiveness of current BMPs and whether additional BMPs are needed or not.

Monitoring Program:
Development and conducting Construction Site Monitoring Program (CSMP) including (NOI), Annual Report, Noticeand Notice of Termination (NOT) using SMARTS

  • Visual inspection of BMPs
  • Visual monitoring of stormwater due to qualifying rain events
  • Visual monitoring and sampling (when applicable) of non-stormwater discharges
  • Sampling and analysis of site stormwater runoff for PH, turbidity and non-visible pollutants (when applicable)
  • Development of Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) prior to storm event with 50% or greater chance of occurring for Risk Levels 2 & 3

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SWRES Solutions